Fare Cinema

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Rajneshkumar  (13/09/2008 @ 21:45)
Are you using digital technology in your home in an amazing way? Want to share it with the world? Got a talented friend with a camera who can interview you? Enter into Cisco's Digital Cribs competition on Filmaka.com! 10Digital Crib shorts will win $7500 USD! Another 10 will be chosen by peer votes to win $5000 each. Winning Digital Crib clips will be seeded on over 200 sites across the internet, for the whole planet to see! This is your chance to tell the world what you're doing with technology! Submissions should be 3 minutes each, and in your native language and are due October 13. Go to http://www.filmaka.com/ciscodigitalcribs The Feature Film contest's theme for September is "The First Day". Submissions must be 1 to 3 minutes long and must be uploaded by October 5, 24:00 PST. For more info visit http://www.filmaka.com/firstday Regards Rajnesh Kumar [email protected]
Rosa Parolisi  (17/08/2008 @ 20:52)
Sabato 23 agosto ci sarà la presentazione di questo film con la partecipazione del regista al cinema "Empire" di Torino...io spero di riuscire ad esserci perchè il film mi incuriosisce; c'è qualcuno di Torino che pensa di andarci? rosa

